September 16, 2011

My Book :)

Its been a while so I thought I would put up a quick post.

I've started my book! Yay!

Anyways, I had started a book about my life, yet kept running into problems (writer's block, bad memory, etc) and nothing was getting done.

So I pretty much gave up. Thought maybe I had more to learn and discover before writing the book, and I left it alone.

One night I was laying in bed. I think its safe to say that it was around 2 am, when I suddenly had an idea for a fiction instead (although as I write, I realize that I really am writing about myself and my relationship with my mom). Its funny, I really have learned a lot about myself, and at times I can't help but laugh out loud reading what I wrote. I think I wrote 3 chapters the first night.

Maybe everyone should write a fiction... because since you're the one writing it, then I have no doubt that parts of you will come out on the pages. Just a thought ;)

Anyways, now I have about 11 chapters done, even though I had to skip ahead, so I have chapters from the beginning and chapters from the middle/end done.

I'm still pretty excited. Every time I write a chapter I read it to my husband, who I'm sure now knows the plot by heart. He assures me that its good, I hope he's not just lying to be nice.

So I won't get into the plot... you're going to have to wait for the book. I have a goal to have it done and sent to publishers by the end of the year. I will tell you a few things about the book however....

I want this to be a book that anyone could relate to, even if they have never met, or will never know some who suffers from Schizophrenia. I am doing this because I want to reach the people who have no experience with it, so I can help them understand. And the people who do have experience with it, can have something to relate to.

Anyways, here are some of the points that I want to make in the book.

-How negative stigmas attached to Schizophrenia keep sufferers from seeking help.
-How family and friends of Schizophrenics are effected by refusal of treatment.
-How Schizophrenics often suffer lonely lives because of friends and families abandonment.
-How at times, the only way for loved ones to lead their own happy life is to say goodbye.
-Raise the question of: Who is capable of being held accountable? At what point should there be intervention if any at all?
-The HUGE ripple effect that this disease causes in people's lives.
-That Schizophrenia is a disease, no less than Cancer, yet there is still so much taboo thinking attached to it amongst the general public.
-The possibilities of the outcome of non-treatment and possibilities of outcomes with treatment.
-The power of choice and taking responsibility for our choices.

That's it for now, there is more, but that's what is coming off the top of my head.

I will admit that I am biased. I don't think its a secret that I am more in favor of involuntary treatment rather than no treatment at all. However, in this book I am doing my best to show the reader ALL the viewpoints and remain as neutral as possible so that the reader can come to their own conclusions based on what they read.

Cross your fingers for me! How cool would it be if my book became a best seller?! Hey, it could happen!