I hung out with my sister a little bit today. Normally we don't talk about Susan but some how it came up.
She had said that Susan was GETTING BETTER! Not like, just for the past few months, but her symptoms are significantly and CONSISTENTLY improving!
I was really surprised to hear this and I asked my sister why things seemed to be better.
Apparently Susan is on one of those Blood Type Diets. I'm not sure if any of you have heard anything about the BTDs, But they are diets that are unique to your Blood Type. I have heard good things about them. I have even looked into myself before.
So apparently Susan is really sticking to this diet and new way of eating. Not only is she healthier and losing weight, she is actually mentally more focused and clear and her normally present signs of Schizophrenia are consistently diminishing.
Can a change in diet really be a source for curing Schizophrenia?
Of course, I had to look this up and find out for myself. I'm actually pretty excited by all of this, since besides medication and the usual psychotherapy treatments, I have not heard of any other way to treat Schizophrenia.
After browsing some different websites, these are some of the most consistent findings...
People with Schizophrenia generally have a diet high in Sugar, Carbohydrates, Fat and even Caffeine. Decreasing the amounts of Carbs, Sugars, Fats and Caffeine and replacing them with higher levels of Protein and Fiber has shown improvement in symptoms.
It is known that in general, people who suffer with Schizophrenia, as well as depression, show abnormally low levels of Omega 3 Fatty acids and other essential Fatty Acids.
Since the 1970s studies have shown that when Gluten is cut out of the diet, symptoms noticeably improve. Mental Illness consistently shows a sensitivity to Gluten and is believed to trigger psychotic symptoms.
Increasing intake of Antioxidants will decrease Oxidation that occurs in your body and brain.
"Take a daily multivitamin. Niacin deficiency can produce thought disorders, hallucinations and depression, so taking a megadose of niacin daily can help you reduce these symptoms associated with your schizophrenia. Your doctor will work with you on how much you should get daily. In addition, adequate intake of B vitamins and folic acid is responsible for maintaining the chemical balance in your brain. Increasing your intake can help you achieve this balance, thereby alleviating the severity of your schizophrenia symptoms. Finally, many mental illnesses result in a zinc deficiency, so your doctor may recommend taking a multivitamin containing zinc. In some cases, you may have to take these nutrients separately in supplement form because a traditional multivitamin might not have the high levels of the vitamins that you need "
Find more info at: http://www.livestrong.com/article/248779-how-to-use-diet-as-a-treatment-for-schizophrenia/
Pretty freakin' cool if you ask me. I'm digging this. I mean, EVERYONE, no matter who you are should be on a good diet anyways. Its easy and simple to do and it has shown to have great affects on all different kinds of Mental Illness!
Sigh... however... there is one downfall....
Many times, those who suffer with Schizophrenia are very wary of any recommendations made by Mental Health Care Professionals, even when its just a few simple diets changes. Often times, a delusional person may think that there is some kind of conspiracy being cooked up against them that somehow implements the recommended diets. Also, many delusions revolve around the belief of certain (if not all) foods being poisoned.
Even so, I am pretty happy to hear this news. To know first hand from my sister that there are noticeable improvements when some very simple changes are made.
Spread the word!