I am not easily offended, in fact, it takes a lot to offend me. But I am somewhat troubled at times when I see that a very serious illness is somehow being portrayed as something "funny", "cool", or "popular". While navigating different online forums and support groups, I have found countless people jumping into the boards claiming to suffer from Schizophrenia. Mostly teens, many are there simply for attention, or perhaps, they wish to be Schizophrenic themselves so that they can legitimately get the attention they crave.
Either way, they seem to think that claiming to "hear voices" and "see things" will somehow win them popularity, or at the very least, pity. I once came across a posting on an online support forum where such a person was making ridiculous attempts to convince a very well-educated crowd that they were Schizophrenic. One of the Schizophrenic members commented, "I hate people who do this. People who WANT to be Schizo. Let me tell you, Schizophrenia isn't some type of never ending high. You need a life."
... "A never ending high..." I like that term... Sounds fun right? Seeing things, hearing things, smelling things, tasting things... that no one else but you can see/hear/smell etc. Apparently being high off of LSD everyday for the rest of your life sounds like a desirable alternative, since one cannot simply choose to be Schizo (Thank goodness). If only they knew what it would be like to really be Schizo. If only they knew what it would feel like to be plagued with a cure-less disease that will haunt them everyday for the rest of their lives.
Well, I suppose that the funny shirts, cutesy sayings and wanna-be-Schizophrenic-posers will continue to be ever abundant in the public eye. That is, until the day, that everyone is aware of what they are really cracking jokes about. Hopefully I will be very much involved in when that day comes.
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